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Upper Road

June 26, 2015, Friday.
The campground "Madison", Yellowstone National Park.
We woke up early in the morning, we heard a rustle next to our tent...
"Maybe, is it a bear"? - the wife asked...
We opened the tent and... saw peacefully grazing deer.

Madison Campground

It quietly nibbled the grass in the morning fog and walked between the tents.

Madison Campground

Today, we were going to continue the inspection of the park, moved along the upper loop of the survey road.
But first, we must look at what we did not see yesterday.
Therefore, we moved not on the upper loop, but on the lower loop, on the Grand Loop Road.

Madison Campground

The Madison River flows next to the camping...

Madison River

The Firehole River flows into it.

Firehole River

The river flows through the canyon, among the trees.
A review road - loop "Firehole Canyon Road" passes next to the river.
You can stop at the viewing area and look at the small waterfalls and even swim.

Firehole Falls

The forest was behind...

Firehole River

The Firehole River flows through the valley...

Firehole River

The steam from the geysers was ahead around the road...

Lower Geyser Basin

Lower Geyser Basin

We were approaching to the active thermal area of the park - "Lower Geyser Basin".

Lower Geyser Basin

Lower Geyser Basin

Lower Geyser Basin

There are many geysers, pools with boiling water, mud baths.

Lower Geyser Basin

Lower Geyser Basin

Lower Geyser Basin

The "Lower Geyser Basin" is located near the road.
The guys moved slowly, stopped at viewing areas and looked.

Lower Geyser Basin

Lower Geyser Basin

Lower Geyser Basin

Lower Geyser Basin

And suddenly, the traffic on the road stopped.
May be an accident?
No! It a herd of bisons crosses the road!

Lower Geyser Basin

Lower Geyser Basin

Lower Geyser Basin

Lower Geyser Basin

We stopped at the parking lot "Fountain Paint Pot" and went along wooden trails and bridges to the creations of nature.

Fountain Paint Pot Trail

Fountain Paint Pot Trail

Fountain Paint Pot Trail

Fountain Paint Pot Trail

This circular trail is called - the "Fountain Paint Pot Trail".

Fountain Paint Pot Trail

Fountain Paint Pot Trail

Fountain Paint Pot Trail

And an every geyser, a pool and a hot spring has its name.

Fountain Paint Pot Trail

Fountain Paint Pot Trail

Fountain Paint Pot Trail

Fountain Paint Pot Trail

A little bit ahead, near the Grand Loop Road, there is a survey road - loop "Firehole Lake Drive".

Firehole Lake Drive

Firehole Lake Drive

Firehole Lake Drive

It very beautiful place next to Grand Loop Road was called "Whiskey Flat".

Whiskey Flat

Whiskey Flat

The landscapes around the road were bright and colorful...

Midway Geyser Basin

Midway Geyser Basin

Midway Geyser Basin

We drove up to the thermal area of the park - the "Midway Geyser Basin".

Midway Geyser Basin

It hot field is not very large, but very beautiful.
It is here that the Firehole River comes into contact with hot springs.

Firehole River

Firehole River

One of the hot springs is the "Excelsior Geyser".

Excelsior Geyser

Now, it's just a crater with hot water flowing into the river.

Excelsior Geyser

But it was the most powerful geyser in the world in the 80s of the XX century.
But something has changed and there are no eruptions now.
The 15000 - 17000 liters of hot water flow into the river every minute.

Excelsior Geyser

The water temperature is more than 90 degrees Celsius.

Excelsior Geyser

Excelsior Geyser

By the wooden trails, we went to watch another hot spring in the "Midway Geyser Basin".

Midway Geyser Basin

Midway Geyser Basin

Midway Geyser Basin

It is a miracle of nature - the "Grand Prismatic Spring".

Grand Prismatic Spring

Grand Prismatic Spring

Grand Prismatic Spring

The "Grand Prismatic Spring" is the largest hot spring in Yellowstone and the third largest in the world.
Its diameter is about 90 meters, the depth is 49 meters, and the water temperature is 71 degrees Celsius.

Grand Prismatic Spring

Grand Prismatic Spring

Grand Prismatic Spring

Such bright colors are the result of the vital activity of bacteria.
So, the unmatched blue color of water is due to its purity and a depth of source.

Grand Prismatic Spring

Grand Prismatic Spring

The "Grand Prismatic Spring" is very similar to the blue pupil of the eye with an iris.

We and Grand Prismatic Spring

Grand Prismatic Spring

The farther away from the blue water, the colors become more faded and the brightness disappears.

Grand Prismatic Spring

Grand Prismatic Spring

Grand Prismatic Spring

Even before the trip, at home, I found an information that it is better to look to the "Grand Prismatic Spring" from the hill.
We went to the car and drove to look for this hill...

Grand Prismatic Spring

Here is the parking and the beginning of the route to the "Fairy Falls".
And nearby there is a hot pit with a water - the "Tire Poll".

Tire Poll

Tire Poll

We asked the oncoming tourist: "Where is the trail to the hill"?
- "There is no a trail, it is a wild nature."

Grand Prismatic Spring

A climbing up the mountain was difficult, but at the top - a beauty!

Grand Prismatic Spring

Grand Prismatic Spring

Grand Prismatic Spring

It is a pity, that grown spruce trees prevented made good photos...
We could not climb higher up the hill...

We and Grand Prismatic Spring

Grand Prismatic Spring

Grand Prismatic Spring

Tourists were down, near the hot spring...

Grand Prismatic Spring

Grand Prismatic Spring

Grand Prismatic Spring

And we were there recently...

Grand Prismatic Spring

Grand Prismatic Spring

I can not believe that there are such fabulous places in the world!

Grand Prismatic Spring

Grand Prismatic Spring

A descent from the hill was more difficult than a lifting...

Grand Prismatic Spring

We did not go to the waterfall "Fairy Falls", due to the lack of free time.
It's a trail - 4 km one way...
If you'll have time, you should look at the waterfall.
A waterfall "Fairy Falls" looks like it...

Fairy Falls

Well, we drove further by the Grand Loop Road, next to the Firehole River.

Firehole River

Firehole River

Firehole River

The parking lot was ahead, all packed with cars.
But we found an available place...

Biscuit Basin

It was a geothermal field - the "Biscuit Basin".

Biscuit Basin

Biscuit Basin

Biscuit Basin

The surface of the ground and the water really looks like a big biscuit cake.

Biscuit Basin

Biscuit Basin

Biscuit Basin

Or maybe, the unknown artist was painting with a brush?

Biscuit Basin

Biscuit Basin

Biscuit Basin

Biscuit Basin

"Culprits" of this unearthly beauty are small microorganisms - bacteria.

Biscuit Basin

Biscuit Basin

Biscuit Basin

In addition to "biscuit", there were also such formations, inside of which everything were boiling and bubbling...

Biscuit Basin

Biscuit Basin

Biscuit Basin

Biscuit Basin

Biscuit Basin

And of course, there are springs with a pure blue hot water.

Biscuit Basin

Visitors walk on wooden paths...

Biscuit Basin

We and Biscuit Basin

They admire the hot springs.

Biscuit Basin

Biscuit Basin

Biscuit Basin

One such hot pool with crystal clear blue water is called the "Sapphire Pool".

Sapphire Pool

Sapphire Pool

The water in the "Sapphire Pool" is hot, 95 degrees Celsius.

Sapphire Pool

You can also walk to the waterfall "Mystic Falls".
It is almost 2 km.

Biscuit Basin

It is a cascading waterfall, its height is 21 meters.

Mystic Falls

At a distance of 1.5 km from the parking lot, there is an another amazing colorful geothermal source - the "Morning Glory Pool", 7 meters deep.
This hot spring belongs to the "Upper Geyser Basin", which is not far away.

Morning Glory Pool

But first, we decided to see the "Black Sand Basin"...

Black Sand Basin

We dropped the car and went for a walk along the shore of a beautiful stream.

Black Sand Basin

Black Sand Basin

Black Sand Basin

A water runs from hot springs into the stream...

Black Sand Basin

Black Sand Basin

And here are the geysers...

Black Sand Basin

Black Sand Basin

Black Sand Basin

A green forest is around...

We and Black Sand Basin

Black Sand Basin

And the "Sunset Lake"!

Black Sand Basin

We also were there and now we drove to the "Upper Geyser Basin".

Black Sand Basin

The "Upper Geyser Basin" has the largest concentration of geysers in the world.
More than 250 geysers (almost a quarter of all the geysers on the planet) are on an area of about 2 square miles.
The largest and most famous are the "Old Faithful", the "Castle, the Daisy", the "Grand" and the "Riverside".

Upper Geyser Basin

The geysers are interesting at the time of the eruption, but it does not happen often.
Therefore, this geothermal basin should be investigated slowly.
But tourists always have little time, they like to watch geysers which erupt regularly and are located nearby.

Upper Geyser Basin

The most famous and popular geyser in the world - the "Old Faithful" meets these parameters.
The geyser erupts frequently and regularly and it is located next to the tourist village.

Old Faithful Visitor Center

The eruption schedule is located in the information center.

Old Faithful Visitor Center

Approximately, an one hour was until the next eruption and we decided to eat and to walk around the tourist center.

Old Faithful Village

Old Faithful Village

Old Faithful Village

The eruption of the geyser is similar to the show, when the artist is alone, and there are a lot of viewers...

Old Faithful Geyser

The our artist woke up...

Old Faithful Geyser

The geyser was named "Old Faithful" in 1870.
It was the first geyser in the park, which got a name.

Old Faithful Geyser

It erupts every 40 to 120 minutes.
The eruption runs from 3 to 10 minutes.

Old Faithful Geyser

The hot water column, with a temperature of more than 90 degrees Celsius, rises to a height of 32 - 56 meters and the steam is even higher.
The geyser erupts from 14 to 32 cubic meters of water a per eruption.

Old Faithful Geyser

Yes, it is the "Old Faithful Geiser"

Old Faithful Geyser

Basically, we completed our plan to inspect the lower loop of the Grand Loop Road.
Next, the upper loop of the road.

Yellowstone-Old Faithful Geyser

We got into the car, turned around and drove without stopping in the direction of Norris Canyon Road.
And further to the "Canyon Village".
Then, we moved to the Tower / Roosevelt by the upper loop of the "Grand Loop Road", counterclockwise.


There were a lot of bisons on the road.



There are no geysers on the road from the "Canyon Village" to Tower / Roosevelt, but the nature is very beautiful.

Washburn Overlook

Dunraven Pass

Here is the viewing point - the "Washburn Hot Springs Overlook".
We were leaving the car and climbed the mountain Washburn.

Washburn Overlook

And here is the "Dunraven Pass".

Dunraven Pass

The trail rises to the mountain...

Dunraven Pass

Dunraven Pass

Dunraven Pass

A sandy path passed through the forest, all up and up.

Dunraven Pass

Dunraven Pass

We were at the top of the mountain.
The beauty!

Dunraven Pass

Dunraven Pass

There were a lot of flowers!

Dunraven Pass

Dunraven Pass

The forest was at the down...

Dunraven Pass

The Grand Loop Road, on which we arrived, was downstairs too.
What little cars were at the bottom...
We climbed high...

Dunraven Pass

We took a few photos and went down to the car.

Dunraven Pass

The Grand Loop Road ran through the forest, gradually rising up the hill.

Tower Fall

We were driving near the tourist center - the "Tower Fall".
There, where the Tower Creek flows into the Yellowstone River, there is a waterfall...
The height of the waterfall "Tower Fall" is 40 meters.

Tower Fall

And here is the north-eastern entrance to the park - the "Tower / Roosevelt".
The forest was behind, and the mountains - in front.
We were driving along the Grand Loop Road, which ran along the top of the "numeral 8".

Tower Fall

Tower Fall

Ahead, near the road was a viewing point.
The waterfall "Undine Falls" was seen very well from here.
The waterfall was cascading, 18 meters high.

Undine Falls

And after another seven kilometers were the tourist center "Mammoth Hot Spring Village", the northern exit from the park, hot springs and famous terraces.

Mammoth Hot Spring

Mammoth Hot Spring

Mammoth Hot Spring

The "Mammoth Hot Springs" is a natural complex of hot springs.
A hot water evaporated in the sources for thousands of years, but a calcium (limestone) remained.
So, the limestone terraces (Travertine Terrace) were formed by a nature.
*Mammoth Hot Springs*

Mammoth Hot Spring

Mammoth Hot Spring

Mammoth Hot Spring

Mammoth Hot Spring

You can see these terraces directly from the wooden bridges.

Mammoth Hot Spring

Mammoth Hot Spring

Mammoth Hot Spring

In addition to terraces, there are such "monuments"...
It is the "Liberty Cap"!

Liberty Cap

There are two routes - trails for tourists: around the lower terraces (Lower Terraces Area) and around the upper terraces (Upper Terraces Loop Drive).

Mammoth Hot Spring

Mammoth Hot Spring

Mammoth Hot Spring

So, you walk along wooden trails and see the terraces and the surroundings.

Mammoth Hot Spring

Mammoth Hot Spring

Mammoth Hot Spring

Mammoth Hot Spring

At first, we could not remember that these terraces remind us.
But we remembered...
Of course, the limestone terraces in Pamukkale, in Turkey!

Roaring Pamukkale

But there, the terraces were almost white, with a blue water.

Roaring Pamukkale

But here the terraces were colorful.

Mammoth Hot Spring

Mammoth Hot Spring

Or maybe, is it from the sun?
The day had ended, it was getting dark and the sun painted the area in bright colors.

Mammoth Hot Spring

Mammoth Hot Spring

Mammoth Hot Spring

And we hurried to the campground.

Mammoth Hot Spring

Mammoth Hot Spring

Mammoth Hot Spring

But first we looked and checked the our plan...
On the road from the "Mammoth Hot Spring" to the "Norris Geyser Basin" there were almost no geysers and hot springs and we did not stop anywhere.

Grand Loop Road

Not far from Norris Geyser Basin, we saw a "column" of steam next to the road.
What is it?
We stopped at the landing.

Roaring Mountain

It is the "Roaring Mountain", which constantly "smokes".

Roaring Mountain

We did not go to sleep for a long time in the familiar camping the "Madison Campground".
The two days in the Yellowstone National Park flew very quickly.
We liked the park very much and we loved it.
I wonder, are there still such places on the earth where there are so many interesting and varied things in a small territory.
A each US National Park is very interesting, but we saw so many different things only in the "Yellowstone".
Geysers, hot springs, limestone terraces, blue rivers and lakes, waterfalls, mountains and forests.
And all it - Yellowstone National Park!

Yellowstone National Park

But it was time for us to leave the realm of nature and to return to a civilization.
Our journey was continued...
We were ready to go to the city next to the salt lake - Salt Lake City!


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